How does your app compare vs. 75,000 others?
Evaluate your app’s subscription health on key success metrics and receive an overall health score.
How to find your metrics in RevenueCat
Videos and links on how you can easily find these stats within RevenueCat Charts.
- Log in to your RevenueCat account and click this link to be automatically directed to the Trial Conversion Chart or navigate to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Trial Conversion.
- Hover over the chart to see Trial Start Rate (blue), the % of new users who started a trial.
- Adjust grouping (weekly, quarterly) and timeframe (e.g., last year) as needed.
- Log in to your RevenueCat account and click here to be automatically directed to the Trial Conversion Chart or navigate to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Trial Conversion.
- Hover over the chart to see Trial to Paid Rate (green), the % of trial users who converted to a paid subscription.
- Adjust grouping (weekly, quarterly) and timeframe (e.g., last year) as needed.
- Log in and click this link to go directly to the Conversion to Paying Chart, or go to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Conversion to Paying.
- Set the time frame (e.g., 3, 7, 14, or 30 days) to track conversion after download.
- Hover over the chart to see the Download to Paid Rate for each period.
- Adjust granularity (daily, monthly) and time range (e.g., last 12 months).
- View detailed data in the table below, with the average rate in the bottom right.
- Log in to RevenueCat and click this link to go directly to the Subscription Retention Chart or go to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Subscription Retention.
- Ensure the retention period is set to monthly (default).
- The first data point represents the first renewal rate for monthly subscriptions.
- Hover over the Month 1 data point to see the first renewal rate.
- Log in to RevenueCat and click this link to go directly to the Subscription Retention Chart or go to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Subscription Retention.
- Set your retention period to "Yearly"
- Hover over the first data point to see the yearly first renewal rate.
- Log in to RevenueCat and click this link to go directly to the Subscription Retention Chart or go to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Subscription Retention.
- Ensure the retention period is set to monthly (default).
- Adjust the date range to All Time for a comprehensive view.
- Hover over the Month 12 data point to see the 12-month retention rate.
- This represents the percentage of users who stayed subscribed for 12 months.
- Log in to RevenueCat and click this link to go directly to the Subscription Retention Chart or go to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Subscription Retention.
- Ensure the retention period is set to monthly (default).
- Adjust the date range to All Time for a comprehensive view.
- Hover over the Month 6 data point to see the 6-month retention rate.
- This represents the percentage of users who remained subscribed for at least 6 months.
- Log in to your RevenueCat account and click this link to be directed to Realized LTV per Paying Customer or go to RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Realized LTV per Customer.
- In the Customer Lifetime dropdown, select 14 days (or another time period).
- Adjust the granularity from daily to monthly for smoother trends.
- Set the time range to Last 12 Months for a broader view.
- View the 14-day Revenue per Install by hovering your mouse in the chart or scroll down to the table.
- The row average on the right shows the average Revenue per Install over the selected time period.
- Log in and click this link to be taken directly to Cohort Explorer or go to the RevenueCat Dashboard → Charts → Cohort Explorer.
- Change the cohort type to New Paying Customers (users who made their first purchase).
- Set the metric to Realized LTV per Customer.
- Ensure the time period is set to monthly.
- Look at the first column (Month 1) in the table to find the 1-month Realized LTV per Payer.
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