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Lifecycle emails

Customers purchasing through Web Billing (formerly RevenueCat Billing) will receive emails related to their subscriptions and other purchases on the web.

Emails sent to customers:

  • Come from a RevenueCat domain
  • Display your app name as the sender (configured in Web Billing settings)
  • Use your support email address as the reply-to (configured in the Web Billing app settings, if set) or by default”

Email customization​

Lifecycle emails are lightly customized according to your brand colors configured in the RevenueCat dashboard (see Customization).

Only the Page background and Primary button colors are used to brand emails. Text colors are automatically determined, based on contrast with the background.

All emails, triggers, and calls to action​

You can find a complete list of customer emails below, in addition to the triggers that are used to send them.

EmailTriggerCall to action
Free trial startThe customer started a free trialn/a
Initial purchaseThe customer made a successful purchase (either a subscription or one-time purchase)Redeem purchase (when Redemption Links enabled)
Redemption link refreshThe customer attempted to use an expired redemption link, so a new one was sent to themRedeem purchase (when Redemption Links enabled)
Customer portal loginThe customer initiated access to the customer portalManage subscription in customer portal
Subscription renewalThe customer's subscription automatically renewed at the end of their billing periodn/a
Failed paymentA renewal payment failed (after several retries)Manage subscription in customer portal
Subscription cancelationThe customer canceled their subscriptionRenew subscription in customer portal
Subscription renewed (after cancelation)The customer renewed their subscription after previously canceling, before it expiredn/a
Subscription expiryThe customer's subscription expired and will not be renewedn/a
Chargeback detectedRevenueCat detected a chargeback from the customer, and the subscription was immediately canceled as a resultn/a
Refund issuedA refund was issued to the customern/a