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Displaying Paywalls


How to display a fullscreen Paywall in your appโ€‹

RevenueCat Paywalls will, by default, show paywalls fullscreen and there are multiple ways to do this with SwiftUI and UIKit.

  • Depending on an entitlement with presentPaywallIfNeeded
  • Custom logic with presentPaywallIfNeeded
  • Manually with PaywallView or PaywallViewController
import SwiftUI

import RevenueCat
import RevenueCatUI

struct App: View {
var body: some View {
requiredEntitlementIdentifier: "pro",
purchaseCompleted: { customerInfo in
print("Purchase completed: \(customerInfo.entitlements)")
restoreCompleted: { customerInfo in
// Paywall will be dismissed automatically if "pro" is now active.
print("Purchases restored: \(customerInfo.entitlements)")

Close Buttonโ€‹

Paywalls displayed with presentPaywallIfNeeded will have a close button on the presented sheet. However, a PaywallView will not have a close button by default. This gives you full control on how to to navigate to and from your PaywallView. You can push it onto an existing navigation stack or show it in a sheet with a custom dismiss button using SwiftUI toolbar.

If desired, you can pass displayCloseButton: true when creating PaywallView to display a close button automatically.

This close button will automatically take the color of your app's tint color. You can also override it by using View.tintColor: PaywallView(...).tintColor(

You can also set .onRequestedDismissal() PaywallView's modifier to modify the dismissal behavior of the PaywallView. By default, the paywall will close automatically when completing a purchase, or when pressing the close button. You can use this modifier to customize the behavior of the close button. If you're using UIKit there's also a dismissRequestedHandler parameter in the PaywallViewController initializer that you can use to handle the dismissal of the paywall.

RevenueCatUI also has a paywall variation that can be displayed as a footer below your custom paywall. This allows you to design your paywall exactly as you want with native components while still using RevenueCat UI to handle it. This is done by adding the .paywallFooter() view modifier to your view.

๐Ÿ“˜New view modifier for footer Paywalls

In iOS SDK versions 5.16.0+, which support Paywalls v2, the original .paywallFooter() method has been deprecated and replaced with a new .originalTemplatePaywallFooter() method. The behavior is identical, but its important to keep in mind that footer Paywalls are only supported on original Paywalls, and therefore if your app uses them it should only use Offerings with original Paywalls.

The footer paywall mainly consists of the following:

  • Purchase button
  • Package details text
  • Package selection (if there are any multiple packages configured)

This is all remotely configured and RevenueCatUI handles all the intro offer eligibility and purchase logic.

import SwiftUI

import RevenueCat
import RevenueCatUI

struct YourPaywall: View {

var body: some View {
ScrollView {
// Your custom paywall design content


How to use custom fontsโ€‹

Paywalls can be configured to use the same font as your app using a PaywallFontProvider. A PaywallFontProvider can be passed as an argument into all methods for displaying the paywall.

By default, a paywall will use the DefaultPaywallFontProvider. This uses the system default font which supports dynamic type.

We also offer a CustomPaywallFontProvider which requires a font name that could be something like "Arial" or "Papyrus".

If you need more control over your font preferences, you can create your own PaywallFontProvider. One of the following examples will use a rounded system font in the paywall.

import SwiftUI

import RevenueCat
import RevenueCatUI

struct App: View {
var body: some View {
fonts: CustomPaywallFontProvider(fontName: "Arial")
) { customerInfo in
// Returning `true` will present the paywall


How to display a fullscreen Paywall in your appโ€‹

RevenueCat Paywalls will, by default, show paywalls fullscreen and there are multiple ways to do this with Activitys and Jetpack Compose.

  • Depending on an entitlement with PaywallDialog
  • Custom logic with PaywallDialog
  • Manually with Paywall, PaywallDialog, or PaywallActivityLauncher
private fun LockedScreen() {

object : PaywallListener {
override fun onPurchaseCompleted(customerInfo: CustomerInfo, storeTransaction: StoreTransaction) {}
override fun onRestoreCompleted(customerInfo: CustomerInfo) {}

Close Buttonโ€‹

Paywalls displayed with PaywallDialog will have a close button on the presented sheet. However, a Paywall will not have a close button by default. This gives you full control over how to navigate to and from your Paywall composable. You can push this to the existing navigation stack or display it in a sheet with a custom dismiss button using Android's navigation components and fragments. When presenting the paywall using the PaywallActivityLauncher, the close button will be shown by default since the paywall will be displayed as a new activity on top of the current stack.

If desired, you can use PaywallOptions.Builder's setShouldDisplayDismissButton(true) method when creating a Paywall to display a close button automatically.

RevenueCatUI also has a paywall variation that can be displayed as a footer below your custom paywall. This allows you to design your paywall exactly as you want with native components while still using RevenueCat UI to handle it. This is done by using the PaywallFooter composable.

The footer paywall mainly consists of the following:

  • Purchase button
  • Package details text
  • Package selection (if there are any multiple packages configured)

This is all remotely configured and RevenueCatUI handles all the intro offer eligibility and purchase logic.

private fun PaywallScreen(dismissRequest: () -> Unit) {
options = PaywallOptions.Builder(dismissRequest).build()
) {

How to use custom fontsโ€‹

Paywalls can be configured to use the same font as your app using a FontProvider when using Compose or ParcelizableFontProvider when using PaywallActivityLauncher. These can be passed to the PaywallOptions or PaywallDialogOptions builders or directly to the launch method in PaywallActivityLauncher into all methods for displaying the paywall.

By default, a paywall will not use a font provider. This uses the current Material3 theme's Typography by default.

We offer a CustomFontProvider and CustomParcelizableFontProvider which receives a single font family to use by all text styles in the paywall, if you don't need extra granularity control.

If you need more control over your font preferences, you can create your own FontProvider. See the following examples for some common use cases:

fun MyComposable() {
PaywallDialogOptions.Builder { /* on dismiss */ }

React Nativeโ€‹

How to display a fullscreen Paywall in your appโ€‹

There are several ways to present paywalls:

  • Using RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall: this will display a paywall when invoked.
  • Using RevenueCatUI.presentPaywallIfNeeded: this will present a paywall only if the customer does not have an unlocked entitlement.
  • Manually presenting <RevenueCatUI.Paywall>: this gives you more flexibility on how the paywall is presented.
import RevenueCatUI, { PAYWALL_RESULT } from "react-native-purchases-ui";

async function presentPaywall(): Promise<boolean> {
// Present paywall for current offering:
const paywallResult: PAYWALL_RESULT = await RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall();
// or if you need to present a specific offering:
const paywallResult: PAYWALL_RESULT = await RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall({
offering: offering // Optional Offering object obtained through getOfferings

switch (paywallResult) {
return false;
return true;
return false;

async function presentPaywallIfNeeded() {
// Present paywall for current offering:
const paywallResult: PAYWALL_RESULT = await RevenueCatUI.presentPaywallIfNeeded({
requiredEntitlementIdentifier: "pro"
// If you need to present a specific offering:
const paywallResult: PAYWALL_RESULT = await RevenueCatUI.presentPaywallIfNeeded({
offering: offering, // Optional Offering object obtained through getOfferings
requiredEntitlementIdentifier: "pro"

If desired, you can pass displayCloseButton: true inside the options method when creating a PaywallView to display a close button in the paywall. You will need to react by using the onDismiss listener.

There are also several listeners that can be used to handle the paywall lifecycle, such as onPurchaseStarted, onPurchaseCompleted, and onRestoreStarted.

โš ๏ธ

PaywallFooterContainerView is not supported when React Native's New Architecture is enabled. Please see this GitHub issue for more information.

RevenueCatUI also has a paywall variation that can be displayed as a footer below your custom paywall. This allows you to design your paywall exactly as you want with native components while still using RevenueCat UI to handle it. This is done by using <RevenueCatUI.PaywallFooterContainerView>.

The footer paywall mainly consists of the following:

  • Purchase button
  • Package details text
  • Package selection (if there are any multiple packages configured)

This is all remotely configured and RevenueCatUI handles all the intro offer eligibility and purchase logic.

import React from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';

import RevenueCatUI from 'react-native-purchases-ui';

// Display current offering
return (
Your Custom Paywall Design

// If you need to display a specific offering:
return (
offering: offering // Optional Offering object obtained through getOfferings
onRestoreCompleted={({customerInfo}: { customerInfo: CustomerInfo }) => {
// Optional listener. Called when a restore has been completed.
// This may be called even if no entitlements have been granted.
onDismiss={() => {
// Dismiss the paywall, i.e. remove the view, navigate to another screen, etc.
Your Custom Paywall Design
โš ๏ธ

PaywallFooterContainerView only works correctly when phone is in portrait mode. Landscape mode support for PaywallFooterContainerView is coming soon.


When using RevenueCatUI.Paywall or RevenueCatUI.PaywallFooterContainerView, you may use one of the provided listeners to react to user actions. Available listeners at this time are:

  • onPurchaseStarted
  • onPurchaseCompleted
  • onPurchaseError
  • onPurchaseCancelled
  • onRestoreStarted
  • onRestoreCompleted
  • onRestoreError
  • onDismiss

How to use custom fontsโ€‹

Paywalls can be configured to use the same font as your app passing the font family name in the FullScreenPaywallViewOptions or FooterPaywallViewOptions.

By default, a paywall will use the the system default font which supports dynamic type.

In order to add a font family, add it in your react native app and make sure to run npx react-native-asset so it's added to the native components. Supported font types are .ttf and .otf. Make sure the file names follow the convention:

  • Regular: MyFont.ttf/MyFont.otf
  • Bold: MyFont_bold.ttf/MyFont_bold.otf
  • Italic: MyFont_italic.ttf/MyFont_italic.otf
  • Bold and Italic: MyFont_bold_italic.ttf/MyFont_bold_italic.otf

See the following examples for some common use cases:

import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';

import RevenueCatUI from 'react-native-purchases-ui';

return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<RevenueCatUI.Paywall options={{
fontFamily: "MyFont"
}} />


How to display a fullscreen Paywall in your appโ€‹

There are several ways to present paywalls:

  • Using RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall: this will display a paywall when invoked.
  • Using RevenueCatUI.presentPaywallIfNeeded: this will present a paywall only if the customer does not have an unlocked entitlement.
  • Manually presenting PaywallView: this gives you more flexibility on how the paywall is presented.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer';

import 'package:purchases_ui_flutter/purchases_ui_flutter.dart';

void presentPaywall() async {
final paywallResult = await RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall();
log('Paywall result: $paywallResult');

void presentPaywallIfNeeded() async {
final paywallResult = await RevenueCatUI.presentPaywallIfNeeded("pro");
log('Paywall result: $paywallResult');

If desired, you can pass displayCloseButton: true when creating a PaywallView to display a close button in the paywall. You will need to react by using the onDismiss listener.

purchases_ui_flutter also has a paywall variation that can be displayed as a footer below your custom paywall. This allows you to design your paywall exactly as you want with native components while still using RevenueCat UI to handle it. This is done by using PaywallFooterView.

The footer paywall mainly consists of the following:

  • Purchase button
  • Package details text
  • Package selection (if there are any multiple packages configured)

This is all remotely configured and RevenueCatUI handles all the intro offer eligibility and purchase logic.

import 'package:purchases_ui_flutter/purchases_ui_flutter.dart';

// Note: Avoid placing PaywallFooterView inside a modal or bottom sheet (e.g., using showModalBottomSheet).
// Instead, include it directly in your widget.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
child: Center(
child: PaywallFooterView(
offering: offering, // Optional Offering object obtained through getOfferings,
onRestoreCompleted: (CustomerInfo customerInfo) {
// Optional listener. Called when a restore has been completed.
// This may be called even if no entitlements have been granted.
onDismiss: () {
// Dismiss the paywall, i.e. remove the view, navigate to another screen, etc.
// Will be called when a purchase succeeds.
contentCreator: (bottomPadding) => YourPaywall(bottomPadding),


When using PaywallView or PaywallFooterView, you may use one of the provided listeners to react to user actions. Available listeners at this time are:

  • onPurchaseStarted
  • onPurchaseCompleted
  • onPurchaseError
  • onRestoreCompleted
  • onRestoreError
  • onDismiss

Kotlin Multiplatformโ€‹

How to display a fullscreen Paywall in your appโ€‹

You can present a fullscreen Paywall using the Paywall composable. You have the flexibility to decide when to call this. You could, for instance, add it to your navigation graph.

val options = remember {
PaywallOptions(dismissRequest = { TODO("Handle dismiss") }) {
shouldDisplayDismissButton = true


If desired, you can set shouldDisplayDismissButton to true in your PaywallOptions to display a close button in the paywall. You will need to react to it using the dismissRequest listener.

RevenueCatUI also has a paywall variation that can be displayed as a footer below your custom paywall. This allows you to design your paywall exactly as you want with native components while still using RevenueCat UI to handle it. This is done by using the PaywallFooter composable.

The footer paywall mainly consists of the following:

  • Purchase button
  • Package details text
  • Package selection (if there are any multiple packages configured)

This is all remotely configured and RevenueCatUI handles all the intro offer eligibility and purchase logic.

val options = remember {
PaywallOptions(dismissRequest = { TODO("Handle dismiss") }) {
shouldDisplayDismissButton = true

PaywallFooter(options) { contentPadding ->
// Your custom paywall content.


When using Paywall or PaywallFooter, you may use one of the provided listeners to react to user actions. Available listeners at this time are:

  • onPurchaseStarted
  • onPurchaseCompleted
  • onPurchaseError
  • onPurchaseCancelled
  • onRestoreStarted
  • onRestoreCompleted
  • onRestoreError

Default Paywallโ€‹

If you attempt to display a Paywall for an Offering that doesn't have one configured, the RevenueCatUI SDK will display a default Paywall. The default paywall displays all packages in the offering.

On iOS it uses the app's accentColor for styling. On Android, it uses the app's Material3's ColorScheme.