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Configuring the Customer Center

⚠️Beta Feature

RevenueCat's Customer Center is currently in beta, and only available on iOS 15.0+ at the moment. Feedback is welcome!


Customer Center is a self-service UI that can be added to your app to help your customers manage their subscriptions on their own. With it, you can prevent churn with pre-emptive promotional offers, capture actionable customer data with exit feedback prompts, and lower support volumes for common inquiries — all without any help from your support team.


To configure the Customer Center, locate the Monetization Tools section of your Project Settings and click on Customer Center. The default configuration includes a set of paths, feedback surveys, and promotional offers that can be used immediately once your promotional offers are configured; or you can customize the configuration to your specific needs.

What's configured by default

All four paths are configured by default:

  • Cancellation
  • Refund Request
  • Plan changes
  • Missing Purchases

The cancellation path is configured with a feedback survey with the following response options:

  1. "Too expensive"
  2. "Don't use the app"
  3. "Bought by mistake"

By default, if your customer selects "Too expensive" or "Don't use the app", they'll receive the promotional offer rc_cancel_offer; while customers selecting "Bought by mistake" will receive the promotional offer rc_refund_offer. And of course, you can customize these responses and what (if anything) is offered to your liking.

If your customer selects Refund Request, they'll be given the rc-refund-offer by default.

⚠️Offers must be created in App Store Connect

In order for these promotional offers to be given to your customers, they must be first be created in App Store Connect. Learn more.

If your customer selects Missing Purchases, they'll be prompted to restore purchases.

Customer Center Missing Purchases

The available paths, their feedback surveys, and all associated promotional offers can be customized through Advanced configuration. Learn more.

Support email

The support email is the email address that will be used to send emails to your customer in the following cases:

  • If your customer chooses the "Missing Purchase" path, where they can contact you if they have trouble restoring their purchase.
  • It is also used if the user is trying to manage a subscription that is not an Apple subscription, for example a Play Store subscription.

Color customization

By default, the Customer Center will use your app's default color scheme throughout, ensuring a native look and feel.

However, you can also customize the colors of the Customer Center through the UI or the configuration JSON.

Here's how the color settings work:

  • Accent Color: This color is used throughout the entire Customer Center for various UI elements like buttons. If not set, the app's default accent color will be used.

  • Background Color: This color only applies to the promotional offers views. If not set, the app's default background color will be used.

  • Text Color: This color only applies to the text in the promotional offers views. If not set, the app's default text color will be used.

  • Button Text Color: This color only applies to the text in the promotional offers button. If not set, the app's default text color will be used.

  • Button Background Color: This color only applies to the background of the promotional offers button. If not set, the app's default background color will be used.


Remember, except for the accent color, these color settings only affect the promotional offers views. The rest of the Customer Center will use your app's default colors to maintain consistency with your app's overall design.

In addition, there are light and dark theme variants available, which you can set both in the UI and in the configuration JSON.

Advanced configuration

Strings localization

The default configuration has been localized for 32 languages. If you want to customize the strings for a specific language, you can do so by editing the JSON. Make sure the IDs are correctly referenced in the other parts of the JSON.

If your app doesn't support this many languages, you can remove the languages you don't support to simplify the JSON. Make sure to also remove the locale from the supported JSON array as well.

A default locale can be set by editing the default field in the JSON inside the localization JSON object. This is the fallback language that will be used if the user's language is not supported.

Here's an example of what the localization JSON section looks like:

"localization": {
"default": "en",
"localized_strings": {
"cancel_survey_title": {
"ar": "لماذا تلغي الاشتراك؟",
"ca": "Per què estàs cancel·lant?",
"cs": "Proč rušíte?",
"da": "Hvorfor annullerer du?",
"de": "Warum kündigen Sie?",
"el": "Γιατί ακυρώνετε;",
"en": "Why are you cancelling?",
"es": "¿Por qué estás cancelando?",
"fi": "Miksi peruutat?",
"fr": "Pourquoi annulez-vous?",
"he": "מדוע אתה מבטל?",
"hi": "आप रद्द क्यों कर रहे हैं?",
"hr": "Zašto otkazujete?",
"hu": "Miért mondja le?",
"id": "Mengapa Anda membatalkan?",
"it": "Perché stai annullando?",
"ja": "なぜキャンセルするのですか?",
"ko": "왜 취소하시나요?",
"ms": "Kenapa anda membatalkan?",
"nl": "Waarom annuleer je?",
"no": "Hvorfor kansellerer du?",
"pl": "Dlaczego anulujesz?",
"pt": "Por que você está cancelando?",
"ro": "De ce anulați?",
"ru": "Почему вы отменяете?",
"sk": "Prečo rušíte?",
"sv": "Varför avbokar du?",
"th": "ทำไมคุณถึงยกเลิก?",
"tr": "Neden iptal ediyorsunuz?",
"uk": "Чому ви скасовуєте?",
"vi": "Tại sao bạn hủy?",
"zh": "你为什么要取消?"


The Customer Center is composed of different screens that customers can navigate through. The main screens are defined in the screens object of the configuration JSON. Here's an example of how the screens are configured:

"screens": {
"paths": [
"id": "management_path_missing_purchases_id",
"title_key": "path_missing_purchase",
"id": "management_path_refund_id",
"title_key": "path_refund",
"id": "management_path_change_id",
"title_key": "path_change",
"type": "CHANGE_PLANS"
"id": "management_path_cancel_id",
"title_key": "path_cancel",
"type": "CANCEL"
"title_key": "screen_management_title",
"type": "MANAGEMENT"
"paths": [
"id": "no_active_missing_purchases_id",
"title_key": "no_active_check_purchases",
"subtitle_key": "screen_no_active_subtitle",
"title_key": "screen_no_active_title",
"type": "NO_ACTIVE"

This configuration defines two main screens:

  1. MANAGEMENT: This is the main screen customers see when they have an active subscription. It contains several paths (or actions) that customers can take:

    • Missing Purchase
    • Refund Request
    • Change Plans
    • Cancel Subscription
  2. NO_ACTIVE: This screen is shown when the user doesn't have an active subscription. It typically only offers the option to restore purchases.

You can customize these screens by:

  • Adding or removing paths
  • Changing the order of the paths
  • Modifying the title and subtitle keys to reference different localized strings


Paths define the different actions customers can take within the Customer Center. Each path has a unique configuration that determines its behavior. Here's an example of how paths are configured:

"paths": [
"id": "path_missing_purchase_id",
"title_key": "path_missing_purchase",
"id": "path_refund_id",
"promotional_offer_key": "refund_promo_offer_key",
"title_key": "path_refund",
"id": "path_change_id",
"title_key": "path_change",
"type": "CHANGE_PLANS"
"feedback_survey": {
"options": [
"id": "cancel_survey_too_expensive",
"promotional_offer_key": "cancel_promo_offer_key",
"title_key": "survey_too_expensive"
"id": "cancel_survey_usage",
"promotional_offer_key": "cancel_promo_offer_key",
"title_key": "survey_usage"
"id": "cancel_survey_mistake",
"title_key": "survey_mistake"
"title_key": "cancel_survey_title"
"id": "path_cancel_id",
"title_key": "path_cancel",
"type": "CANCEL"

Let's break down the configuration for each path:

  1. Missing Purchase (MISSING_PURCHASE): Used for restoring previous purchases.

  2. Refund Request (REFUND_REQUEST): Allows customers to request refunds.

  3. Change Plans (CHANGE_PLANS): Enables customers to switch between different subscription plans.

  4. Cancel (CANCEL): Provides an option for customers to cancel their subscription.

Key points about paths:

  • Each path has a unique id, title_key for localization, and type that defines its functionality.
  • Paths can include promotional_offer_key to present discounts to customers. The REFUND_REQUEST path in the above example has a promotional offer configured.
  • Paths can include a feedback_survey to gather information from customers. The CANCEL path demonstrates in the example above how to include a feedback survey with multiple options.
  • Survey options can have their own promotional_offer_key for targeted retention efforts.

You can customize these paths by:

  • Adding or removing paths to change available actions.
  • Modifying the title_key to change the displayed text (ensure the key exists in your localization configuration).
  • Adding or adjusting promotional_offer_key to change or introduce discount offers.
  • Adding or adjusting feedback_survey to change or introduce feedback surveys.

Feedback surveys

Any path can have a feedback survey attached to it with a question & answers that you configure. You might set one up to:

  • Understand why customers are looking to cancel their subscription
  • Uncover unmet expectations that led to a refund request, or
  • Attempt to persuade customers to change their mind by delivering a promotional offer based on their specific feedback

Promotional offers

Promotional offers can be attached to any feedback survey option or path to provide an extended trial, discounted price, or another offer of your choosing.

⚠️Offers must be created in App Store Connect

In order for these promotional offers to be given to your customers, they must be first be created in App Store Connect. Learn more.

Adding promotional offers

Promotional offers are defined in the promotional_offers object of the configuration JSON. Each offer has a unique key that can be referenced from paths or feedback survey options. Here's an example of how promotional offers are configured:

"promotional_offers": {
"cancel_promo_offer_key": {
"eligibility": [
"amount_in_seconds": 1209600,
"comparison": "GREATER",
"condition_type": "FIRST_SEEN"
"ios_offer_id": "rc-cancel-offer",
"subtitle_key": "promo_offer_subtitle",
"title_key": "promo_offer_title"
"refund_promo_offer_key": {
"eligibility": [
"amount_in_seconds": 1209600,
"comparison": "GREATER",
"condition_type": "FIRST_SEEN"
"ios_offer_id": "rc-refund-offer",
"subtitle_key": "promo_offer_subtitle",
"title_key": "promo_offer_title"

Key points about promotional offers:

  • Each offer has a unique key (e.g., cancel_promo_offer_key, refund_promo_offer_key).
  • The eligibility array defines conditions for when the offer can be presented.
  • ios_offer_id must correspond to an offer you've created in App Store Connect.
  • title_key and subtitle_key reference localized strings for the offer's display text.

To use these offers, you link them from paths or feedback survey options using the promotional_offer_key. For example:

  1. Linking a path to a promotional offer:
"id": "nwodkdnfaoeb",
"promotional_offer_key": "refund_promo_offer_key",
"title_key": "path_refund",
  1. Linking a feedback survey option to a promotional offer:
"id": "cancel_survey_too_expensive",
"promotional_offer_key": "cancel_promo_offer_key",
"title_key": "survey_too_expensive"

By configuring promotional offers this way, you can create targeted discount strategies for different user actions or feedback responses.

Eligibility conditions for promotional offers

You can customize a promotional offer's eligibility by setting conditions in the eligibility array. This allows you to control when and to whom the offer is presented. There are two types of conditions you can use:

  1. FIRST_SEEN: This condition is based on when the user was first seen by RevenueCat.
  2. TIME_SINCE_FIRST_PURCHASE: This condition is based on the time elapsed since the user's first purchase.

For both condition types, you can set the comparison to be either GREATER or SMALLER, allowing you to target customers based on how long they've been using the app or how long they've been customers.

Here's an example of how to set up eligibility conditions:

"promotional_offers": {
"long_time_user_offer": {
"eligibility": [
"amount_in_seconds": 2592000,
"comparison": "GREATER",
"condition_type": "FIRST_SEEN"
// App Store Connect promo offer id
"ios_offer_id": "rc-long-time-user-offer",
"subtitle_key": "long_time_user_offer_subtitle",
"title_key": "long_time_user_offer_title"
"new_purchaser_offer": {
"eligibility": [
"amount_in_seconds": 604800,
"comparison": "SMALLER",
"condition_type": "TIME_SINCE_FIRST_PURCHASE"
// App Store Connect promo offer id
"ios_offer_id": "rc-new-purchaser-offer",
"subtitle_key": "new_purchaser_offer_subtitle",
"title_key": "new_purchaser_offer_title"
"screens": {
"paths": [
"id": "management_path_missing_purchases_id",
"promotional_offer_key": "long_time_user_offer",
"title_key": "path_missing_purchase",
// other paths
"feedback_survey": {
"options": [
"id": "cancel_survey_too_expensive",
"promotional_offer_key": "new_purchaser_offer",
"title_key": "survey_too_expensive"
// other options
"id": "management_path_cancel_id",
"title_key": "path_cancel",
"type": "CANCEL"

In this example:

  • The long_time_user_offer will only be presented to customers who were first seen more than 30 days ago.
  • The new_purchaser_offer will only be presented to customers who made their first purchase less than 7 days ago.

By using these eligibility conditions, you can create targeted offers for different segments of your user base, potentially increasing the effectiveness of your retention strategies.