📄️ New Paid Subscriptions Chart
The New Paid Subscriptions chart measures the number of subscriptions that first paid in a period, broken down by how the subscription was created.
📄️ New Trials Chart
The New Trials chart measures the number of newly started trials in a period. Unlike the Trial Conversion Rate chart, which is cohorted by a customer's First Seen Date, this chart is cohorted by Trial Start Date; and therefore counts the trial starts in a period regardless of when the underlying customer was first seen.
📄️ Non-subscription Purchases Chart
The Non-subscription Purchases chart measures the count of consumable, non-consumable, and lifetime purchases that occurred in a given period.
📄️ Refund Rate Chart
The Refund Rate chart shows the number of paid transactions (such as new paid subscriptions, renewals, and one-time purchases) in each time period and what proportion of these transactions were refunded.