📄️ Active Subscriptions Chart
The Active Subscriptions chart measures the number of unique paid subscriptions that have not expired at the end of each period.
📄️ Active Subscriptions Movement Chart
The Active Subscriptions Movement chart measures the change in unique paid subscriptions over a period. Active Subscriptions Movement can be thought of as a breakdown of what caused the change in the Active Subscriptions count between two periods.
📄️ Active Trials Chart
The Active Trials chart measures the number of unexpired free trials at the end of a given period. Similar to Active Subscriptions, a trial is considered active until it expires, regardless of its auto-renew status.
📄️ Active Trials Movement Chart
The Active Trials Movement chart measures the change in unique active free trials over a period. Active Trials Movement can be thought of as a breakdown of what caused the change in the Active Trials count between two periods.