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What is RevenueCat?โ€‹

RevenueCat provides a backend and a wrapper around StoreKit and Google Play Billing to make implementing in-app purchases and subscriptions easy. With our SDK, you can build and manage your app business on any platform without having to maintain IAP infrastructure. You can read more about how RevenueCat fits into your app or you can sign up free to start building.




Purchases for Android (Google Play and Amazon Appstore) is available on Maven and can be included via Gradle.

implementation 'com.revenuecat.purchases:purchases:8.14.0'

Import Purchasesโ€‹

You should now be able to import Purchases.

import com.revenuecat.purchases.CustomerInfo;
import com.revenuecat.purchases.Entitlement;
import com.revenuecat.purchases.Offering;
import com.revenuecat.purchases.Purchases;
import com.revenuecat.purchases.models.Period;
import com.revenuecat.purchases.models.Price;
import com.revenuecat.purchases.models.StoreProduct;

Configure Proguard (Optional)โ€‹

We are adding Proguard rules to the library so you don't need to do anything. If you have any issues finding classes in our SDK, try adding -keep class com.revenuecat.purchases.** { *; } to your Proguard configuration.

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Purchases uses AndroidX App Startup under the hood. Make sure you have not removed the androidx.startup.InitializationProvider completely in your manifest. If you need to remove specific initializers, such as, set tools:node="merge" on the provider, and tools:node="remove" on the meta-data of the initializer you want to remove.

tools:node="remove" />

Set the correct launchModeโ€‹

Depending on your user's payment method, they may be asked by Google Play to verify their purchase in their (banking) app. This means they will have to background your app and go to another app to verify the purchase. If your Activity's launchMode is set to anything other than standard or singleTop, backgrounding your app can cause the purchase to get cancelled. To avoid this, set the launchMode of your Activity to standard or singleTop in your AndroidManifest.xml file, like so:

android:launchMode="standard" /> <!-- or singleTop -->

You can find Android's documentation on the various launchMode options here.


Additional Dependenciesโ€‹

Add a new dependency to the build.gradle apart from the regular purchases dependency. These new dependencies have the classes needed to use Amazon IAP:

implementation 'com.revenuecat.purchases:purchases:8.14.0'
implementation 'com.revenuecat.purchases:purchases-store-amazon:8.14.0'

Add Amazon public keyโ€‹

Adding support for Amazon requires adding a .pem public key to your project. You can configure this key by following Amazon's guide here.

Due to some limitations, RevenueCat will only validate purchases made in production or in Live App Testing and won't validate purchases made with the Amazon App Tester.

Next Stepsโ€‹