RevenueCat Ship-a-ton

The hackathon that’s all about shipping… a ton.

Charlie Chapman
PublishedLast updated

We’re excited to invite you to the first RevenueCat Ship-a-ton, the hackathon that puts the focus on shipping… a ton. 

The challenge is to release an app to the App Store or Google Play Store using the RevenueCat SDK to monetize your app with in-app purchases. That’s it! The rest is entirely up to you.

We’re handing out over $25,000 in cash across 3 categories, as well as a spot on over 150 billboards spread throughout San Francisco for the 1st prize winners in each category.

Our goal is to give you that final push to finally ship that project you’ve had in the back of your mind but never took the time to get started. Submissions are open today and close on September 18th, so the time to start is now!

RevenueCat Ship-a-ton overview video


For each category, we’ll be giving away a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize.

  • 1st Place: $5,000
  • 2nd Place: $2,500
  • 3rd Place: $1,000

In addition to the $5,000, 1st place winners will also have their winning app featured on over 150 digital billboards throughout San Francisco for a week.

Example of a digital billboard in San Francisco that will feature 1st prize winners for a week.
Example of a digital billboard in San Francisco that will feature 1st prize winners for a week.


We have 3 categories we’ll be judging all submissions against.

Most Likely to Make Money Award

This is the app with the best overall business viability. Criteria include app design/execution, monetization strategy, onboarding and paywall design, and ASO best practices.

RevenueCat Design Award

This is for the most interesting apps separate from viability as a business. We’re looking for innovative ideas and/or beautiful app design and animations.

#BuildInPublic Award

For the developers who shared the most interesting development journey on their social platform of choice. We’re looking for the most interesting lessons learned, or new ideas brought into the app from feedback from their community.


We have an exciting lineup of judges from across our industry to help us pick our winners.

Antoine van der Lee – SwiftLeeMikaela Caron – Swift over Coffee
Dave Verwer – iOS Dev WeeklySean Allen – iOS Youtuber
Daria Orlova – Co-founder of BBappsSebastian Röhl – Developer of HabitKit
Charlie Chapman – RevenueCatDavid Barnard – RevenueCat
Rik Haandrikman – RevenueCatJosh Holtz – RevenueCat

How to join

You can find all of the details, and sign up to join on our official Ship-a-ton site. We’re so excited to see what you all will build. Let’s get shipping.

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